Wednesday 4 September 2013


who are you ?
 This is a question that everyone must account to at some instance. Who am I does not mean , what's your name or your second name  but it means the inner you that is not visible to the eye and that nobody else knows better than yourself. It means the spiritual being of yourself . Now the question is, do you know him/her? doe he/she complement the pesron that everyone can see with the naked eye , the physical being of you . Many times our inner self does not match with the outer self mainly because we tend to fake the outside part to be perfect so that everyone can see how perfect we are and loves us .

I have reached a stage in life where my inner self outshines my outer self . This is because I am me , I stand for what I believe in , my values , morals and ethics are my guidelines . However the most important guideline I follow is the word of God . This is where I seek and find myself . This is the definition of who I am . Everytime I am lost I go to Jesus , I go to the word of God and that's where Me is hiden.The word of God tells me that the world that we live rejected Christ even though it was born of him , as  I am born of Christ the world wil also not know me , the inner me .However ,my flesh will always rejoice with this world , it is related to the world. The question stand who shall I embrace my flesh or my spirit? The word says the flesh will rot and will stay here in this world but my spirit is destined to go somewhere . As it is born of Christ it has a safe and treaured place to dwell in (Philippians 3: 20). My citizenship is in Heaven so that"s why I know who I am (1 Thessalonians 5: 23). I am a young born-again woman who has confidence in herself because she has confidence in Christ . This is how I describe myself but there is a lot that goes in who I am . Challenges and experiences also make  Me up , because challenges can define who I a m by the way I react to them . Its time you ask yourself these questions ,Who are you ? who is that hidden person behind you that everyone else cannot see but only yourself? Who is that person who you hide under those fancy clothes and make up? under that smile who stands?  WHO ARE YOU ?